Exchange historical market data details - instruments, data coverage and data collection specifics
Last updated Exchange historical market data details - instruments, data coverage and data collection specifics
Last updated exchange historical data for all it's currency pairs is available since 2023-02-23.
Historical CSV datasets for the first day of each month are available to download without API key. See downloadable CSV files documentation.
data type | symbol | date | |
trades | BTC-USD | 2023-03-01 | |
incremental_book_L2 | BTC-USD | 2023-03-01 | |
quotes | BTC-USD | 2023-03-01 | |
book_snapshot_25 | BTC-USD | 2023-03-01 | |
trades | SPOT | 2023-03-01 |
Historical data format is the same as provided by real-time Exchange WebSocket Market Data API v1 ( with addition of local timestamps. If you'd like to work with normalized data format instead (same format for each exchange) see downloadable CSV files or official client libs that can perform data normalization client-side.
See Python client docs.
Click any channel below to see HTTP API response with historical data recorded for it.
Market data collection infrastructure for exchange is located in GCP europe-west2 region (London, UK). Real-time market data is captured via multiple WebSocket connections.