Downloadable CSV files
Quick start
CSV datasets are available via dedicated datasets API that allows downloading tick level incremental order book L2 updates, order book snapshots, trades, options chains, quotes, derivative tickers and liquidations data. For ongoing data, CSV datasets for a given day are available on the next day around 06:00 UTC.
CSV datasets are exported from exchanges' real-time WebSocket feeds data we collected (and also provide via our API as historical data in exchange-native format).
Historical datasets for the first day of each month are available to download without API key. Our Node.js and Python clients have built-in functions to efficiently download whole date range of data.
See full example that shows all available download options (download path customization, filenames conventions and more).
CSV format details
columns delimiter: , (comma)
new line marker: \n (LF)
decimal mark: . (dot)
date time format: microseconds since epoch (
date time timezone: UTC
Data types
• incremental_book_L2
Incremental order book L2 updates collected from exchanges' real-time WebSocket order book L2 data feeds - data as deep and granular as underlying real-time data source, please see FAQ: What is the maximum order book depth available for each supported exchange? for more details.
Learn in more detail how incremental_book_l2 CSV dataset is built from real-time data.
As exchanges real-time feeds usually publish multiple order book levels updates via single message you can recognize that by grouping rows by local_timestamp
field if needed.
If you have any doubts how to correctly reconstruct full order book state from incremental_book_L2 CSV dataset, please see this answer or contact us.
In case you only need order book data for top 25 or top 5 levels, we do provide datasets with already reconstructed snapshots for every update for those. See book_snapshot_25 and book_snapshot_5.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
possible values:
- if update was a part of initial order book snapshotfalse
- if update was not a part of initial order book snapshot
If last update was not a snapshot and current one is, then existing order book state must be discarded (all existing levels removed)
determines to which side of the order book update belongs to:
- bid side of the book, buy ordersask
- ask side of the book, sell orders
price identifying book level being updated
updated price level amount as provided by exchange, not a delta - an amount of 0
indicates that the price level can be removed
• book_snapshot_25
Tick-level order book snapshots reconstructed from exchanges' real-time WebSocket order book L2 data feeds. Each row represents top 25 levels from each side of the limit order book book and was recorded every time any of the tracked bids/asks top 25 levels have changed.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
top 25 asks prices in ascending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 25 asks amounts in ascending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 25 bids prices in descending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 25 bids amounts in descending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
• book_snapshot_5
Tick-level order book snapshots reconstructed from exchanges' real-time WebSocket order book L2 data feeds. Each row represents top 5 levels from each side of the limit order book book and was recorded every time any of the tracked bids/asks top 5 levels have changed.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
top 5 asks prices in ascending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 5 asks amounts in ascending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 5 bids prices in descending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
top 5 bids amounts in descending order, empty if there aren't enough price levels available in the order book or provided by the exchange
• trades
Individual trades data collected from exchanges' real-time WebSocket trades data feeds.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
trade id as provided by exchange, empty if exchange does not provide one - different exchanges provide id's as numeric values, GUID's or other strings, and some do not provide that information at all
liquidity taker side (aggressor), possible values:
- liquidity taker was buyingsell
- liquidity taker was sellingunknown
- exchange did not provide that information
trade price as provided by exchange
trade amount as provided by exchange
• options_chain
Tick-level options summary info (strike prices, expiration dates, open interest, implied volatility, greeks etc.) for all active options instruments collected from exchanges' real-time WebSocket options tickers data feeds. Options chain data is available for Deribit (sourced from ticker channel) and OKEx Options (sourced from option/summary and index/ticker channels).
For options_chain
data type only 'OPTIONS' symbol is available (one file per day for all options instruments).
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
ticker timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch
ticker message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
option type, possible values:
option strike price
option expiration date in microseconds since epoch
current open interest, empty is exchange does not provide one
price of the last trade, empty if there weren't any trades yet
current best bid price, empty if there aren't any bids
current best bid amount, empty if there aren't any bids
implied volatility for best bid, empty if there aren't any bids
current best ask price, empty if there aren't any asks
current best ask amount, empty if there aren't any asks
implied volatility for best ask, empty if there aren't any asks
mark price, empty is exchange does not provide one
implied volatility for mark price, empty is exchange does not provide one
underlying index name that option contract is based upon
underlying price, empty is exchange does not provide one
delta value for the option, empty is exchange does not provide one
gamma value for the option, empty is exchange does not provide one
vega value for the option, empty is exchange does not provide one
theta value for the option, empty is exchange does not provide one
rho value for the option, empty is exchange does not provide one
• quotes
Top of the book (best bid/ask) data reconstructed from exchanges' real-time WebSocket order book L2 data feeds. - best bid/ask recorded every time top of the book has changed. We on purpose choose this solution over native exchanges real-time quotes feeds as those vary a lot between exchanges, can be throttled, some are absent at all, often are delayed and published in batches in comparison to more granular L2 updates which are the basis for our quotes dataset.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
best ask amount as provided by exchange, empty if there aren't any asks
best ask price as provided by exchange, empty if there aren't any asks
best bid price as provided by exchange, empty if there aren't any bids
best bid amount as provided by exchange, empty if there aren't any bids
• derivative_ticker
Derivative instrument ticker info (open interest, funding, mark price, index price) collected from exchanges' real-time WebSocket instruments & tickers data feeds. Anytime any of the tracked values has changed data was added to final dataset.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
timestamp of the next funding event in microseconds since epoch, empty if exchange does not provide one
funding rate that will take effect on the next funding event at funding timestamp, for some exchanges it's fixed, for other it fluctuates, empty if exchange does not provide one
estimated predicted funding rate for the next after closest funding event, empty if exchange does not provide one
current open interest, empty if exchange does not provide one
last instrument price, empty if exchange does not provide one
index price of the instrument, empty if exchange does not provide one
mark price of the instrument, empty if exchange does not provide one
• liquidations
Liquidations data collected from exchanges' real-time WebSocket data feeds were available.
See details which exchanges support it and since when.
column name
instrument symbol as provided by exchange (always uppercase)
timestamp provided by exchange in microseconds since epoch - if exchange does not provide one local_timestamp
value is used as a fallback
message arrival timestamp in microseconds since epoch
liquidation id as provided by exchange, empty if exchange does not provide one - different exchanges provide id's as numeric values, GUID's or other strings, and some do not provide that information at all
liquidation side:
- short position was liquidatedsell
- long position was liquidated
liquidation price as provided by exchange
liquidation amount as provided by exchange
Grouped symbols
In addition to standard currency pairs & instrument symbols that can be requested when via CSV datasets API, each exchange has additional special grouped symbols available depending if it supports given market type: SPOT, FUTURES, OPTIONS and PERPETUALS. When such symbol is requested then downloaded file for it has all the data for all instruments belonging for given market type. This is especially useful for options instruments that as specifying each option symbol one by one can be mundane process, using 'OPTIONS' as a symbol gives data for all options available at given time.
incremental_book_L2 - available for FUTURES
trades - available for SPOT, FUTURES, OPTIONS, PERPETUALS
derivative_ticker - available for FUTURES, PERPETUALS
those special symbols are also listed in response to /exchanges/:exchange API call
Datasets API details
all downloadable datasets are gzip compressed
historical market data is available in daily intervals (separate file for each day) based on local timestamp (timestamp of message arrival) split by exchange, data type and symbol
data for a given day is available on the next day around 6h after 00:00 UTC - exact date until when data is available can be requested via /exchanges/:exchange API call (
), e.g., are ordered and split into separate daily files by
(timestamp of message arrival time)empty gzip compressed file is being returned in case of no data available for a given day, symbol and data type, e.g., exchange downtime, very low volume currency pairs etc.
equals tolocal_timestamp
it means that exchange didn't provide timestamp for message, e.g., BitMEX order book updatescell in CSV file is empty if there's no value for it, e.g., no trade id if a given exchange doesn't provide one
datasets are sourced from HTTP API, which in turn provides the the data sourced from exchanges real-time WebSocket market data feeds (in contrast to REST API endpoints)
See "Data FAQ" regarding potential order book overlaps issues, non monotonically increasing exchanges timestamps, duplicated trade data and more
Download via client libraries
Historical datasets for the first day of each month are available to download without API key.