Tardis Machine Server

Locally runnable server with built-in data caching, providing both tick-level historical and consolidated real-time cryptocurrency market data via HTTP and WebSocket APIs


Tardis-machine is a locally runnable server with built-in data caching that uses Tardis.dev HTTP API under the hood. It provides both tick-level historical and consolidated real-time cryptocurrency market data via it's HTTP and WebSocket APIs and is available via npm and Docker.


Tardis-machine GitHub repository



Pull and run latest version of tardisdev/tardis-machine image:

### running without persitent local cache
docker run -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -e "TM_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY" -d tardisdev/tardis-machine

Tardis-machine server's HTTP endpoints will be available on port 8000 and WebSocket API endpoints on port 8001. Your API key will be passed via ENV variable (TM_API_KEY) — simply replace YOUR_API_KEY with API key you've received via email.

Command above does not use persistent volumes for local caching (each docker restart will result in loosing local data cache). In order to use for example./host-cache-dir as persistent volume (bind mount) cache directory, run:

docker run -v ./host-cache-dir:/.cache -p 8000:8000 -p 8001:8001 -e "TM_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY" -d tardisdev/tardis-machine

Since using volumes can cause issues especially on Windows, it's fine to run Docker image without them with the caveat of potentially poor local cache ratio after each container's restart.

Config environment variables

You can set following environment config variables to configure tardis-machine server:





API key for Tardis.dev HTTP API - if not provided only first day of each month of historical data is accessible



HTTP port on which server will be running, WebSocket port is always this value + 1 (8001 with port set to 8000)



path to local dir that will be used as cache location



will launch cluster of Node.js processes to handle the incoming requests if set to true, by default server runs in single process mode



server will print verbose debug logs to stdout if set to true



server will clear local cache dir on startup if set to true


Requires Node.js v12+ and git installed.

Install and runtardis-machine server via npx command:

npx tardis-machine --api-key=YOUR_API_KEY

or install globally via npm:

npm install -g tardis-machine

and then run:

tardis-machine --api-key=YOUR_API_KEY

Tardis-machine server's HTTP endpoints will be available on port 8000 and WebSocket API endpoints on port 8001. Your API key will be passed via --api-key config flag — simply replace YOUR_API_KEY with API key you've received via email.

CLI config flags

You can configure tardis-machine server via environment variables as described in Docker section as well.

You can set following CLI config flags when starting tardis-machine server installed via npm:





API key for Tardis.dev HTTP API - if not provided only first day of each month of historical data is accessible



HTTP port on which server will be running, WebSocket port is always this value + 1 (8001 with port set to 8000)



path to local dir that will be used as cache location - if not provided default temp dir for given OS will be used



will launch cluster of Node.js processes to handle the incoming requests if set to true, by default server runs in single process mode



server will print verbose debug logs to stdout if set to true



server will clear local cache dir on startup is set to true


shows CLI help


shows tardis-machine version number

Exchange-native market data APIs

Exchange-native market data API endpoints provide historical data in exchange-native format. The main difference between HTTP and WebSocket endpoints is the logic of requesting data:

  • HTTP API accepts request options payload via query string param

  • WebSocket API accepts exchanges' specific 'subscribe' messages that define what data will be then "replayed" and send to WebSocket client

HTTP GET /replay?options={options}

Returns historical market data messages in exchange-native format for given replay options query string param. Single streaming HTTP response returns data for the whole requested time period as NDJSON.

In our preliminary benchmarks on AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 64GB RAM, HTTP /replay API endpoint was returning ~700 000 messages/s (already locally cached data).

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
import urllib.parse

async def replay_via_tardis_machine_machine(replay_options):
    timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=0)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
        # url encode as json object options
        encoded_options = urllib.parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(replay_options))

        # assumes tardis-machine HTTP API running on localhost:8000
        url = f"http://localhost:8000/replay?options={encoded_options}"

        async with session.get(url) as response:
            # otherwise we may get line to long errors
            response.content._high_water = 100_000_000

            # returned data is in NDJSON format http://ndjson.org/
            # each line is separate message JSON encoded
            async for line in response.content:
                yield line

async def run():
    lines = replay_via_tardis_machine_machine(
            "exchange": "bitmex",
            "from": "2019-10-01",
            "to": "2019-10-02",
            "filters": [
                {"channel": "trade", "symbols": ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"]},
                {"channel": "orderBookL2", "symbols": ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"]},

    async for line in lines:
        message = json.loads(line)
        # localTimestamp string marks timestamp when message was received
        # message is a message dict as provided by exchange real-time stream
        print(message["localTimestamp"], message["message"])


See also official Tardis.dev Python client library.

Replay options

HTTP /replay endpoint accepts required options query string param in url encoded JSON format.







requested exchange id - use /exchanges HTTP API to get list of valid exchanges ids


{channel:string, symbols?: string[]}[]


optional filters of requested historical data feed - check historical data details for each exchange and /exchanges/:exchange HTTP API to get allowed channels and symbols for requested exchange




replay period start date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-01




replay period end date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-02


boolean | undefined


when set to true, response includes empty lines (\n) that mark events when real-time WebSocket connection that was used to collect the historical data got disconnected

Response format

Streamed HTTP response provides data in NDJSON format (new line delimited JSON) - each response line is a JSON with market data message in exchange-native format plus local timestamp:

  • localTimestamp - date when message has been received in ISO 8601 format

  • message - JSON with exactly the same format as provided by requested exchange real-time feeds

Sample response


WebSocket /ws-replay?exchange={exchange}&from={fromDate}&to={toDate}

Exchanges' WebSocket APIs are designed to publish real-time market data feeds, not historical ones. Tardis-machine WebSocket /ws-replay API fills that gap and allows "replaying" historical market data from any given past point in time with the same data format and 'subscribe' logic as real-time exchanges' APIs. In many cases existing exchanges' WebSocket clients can be used to connect to this endpoint just by changing URL, and receive historical market data in exchange-native format for date ranges specified in URL query string params.

After connection is established, client has 2 seconds to send subscriptions payloads and then market data replay starts.

If two clients connect at the same time requesting data for different exchanges and provide the same session key via query string param, then data being send to those clients will be synchronized (by local timestamp).

In our preliminary benchmarks on AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 64GB RAM, WebSocket /ws-replay API endpoint was sending ~500 000 messages/s (already locally cached data).

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json

async def run():
    WS_REPLAY_URL = "ws://localhost:8001/ws-replay"
    URL = f"{WS_REPLAY_URL}?exchange=bitmex&from=2019-10-01&to=2019-10-02"

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.ws_connect(URL) as websocket:

            await websocket.send_str(
                        "op": "subscribe",
                        "args": [

            async for msg in websocket:


You can also try using existing WebSocket client by changing URL endpoint to the one shown in the example above.

Query string params








requested exchange id - use /exchanges HTTP API to get list of valid exchanges ids




replay period start date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-01




replay period end date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-02


string | undefined


optional replay session key. When specified and multiple clients use it when connecting at the same time then data being send to those clients is synchronized (by local timestamp).

Normalized market data APIs

Normalized market data API endpoints provide data in unified format across all supported exchanges. Both HTTP /replay-normalized and WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized APIs accept the same replay options payload via query string param. It's mostly matter of preference when choosing which protocol to use, but WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized API has also it's real-time counterpart /ws-stream-normalized, which connects directly to exchanges' real-time WebSocket APIs. This opens the possibility of seamless switching between real-time streaming and historical normalized market data replay.

HTTP GET /replay-normalized?options={options}

Returns historical market data for data types specified via query string. Single streaming HTTP response returns data for the whole requested time period as NDJSON. See supported data types which include normalized trade, order book change, customizable order book snapshots etc.

In our preliminary benchmarks on AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 64GB RAM, HTTP /replay-normalized API endpoint was returning ~100 000 messages/s and ~50 000 messages/s when order book snapshots were also requested.

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
import urllib.parse

async def replay_normalized_via_tardis_machine_machine(replay_options):
    timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=0)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
        # url encode as json object options
        encoded_options = urllib.parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(replay_options))

        # assumes tardis-machine HTTP API running on localhost:8000
        url = f"http://localhost:8000/replay-normalized?options={encoded_options}"

        async with session.get(url) as response:
            # otherwise we may get line to long errors
            response.content._high_water = 100_000_000

            # returned data is in NDJSON format http://ndjson.org/ streamed
            # each line is separate message JSON encoded
            async for line in response.content:
                yield line

async def run():
    lines = replay_normalized_via_tardis_machine_machine(
            "exchange": "bitmex",
            "from": "2019-10-01",
            "to": "2019-10-02",
            "symbols": ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"],
            "withDisconnectMessages": True,
            # other available data types examples:
            # 'book_snapshot_10_100ms', 'derivative_ticker', 'quote',
            # 'trade_bar_10ms', 'trade_bar_10s'
            "dataTypes": ["trade", "book_change", "book_snapshot_10_100ms"],

    async for line in lines:
        normalized_message = json.loads(line)


Replay normalized options

HTTP /replay-normalized endpoint accepts required options query string param in url encoded JSON format.

Options JSON needs to be an object or an array of objects with fields as specified below. If array is provided, then data requested for multiple exchanges is returned synchronized (by local timestamp).







requested exchange id - use /exchanges HTTP API to get list of valid exchanges ids


string[] | undefined


optional symbols of requested historical data feed - use /exchanges/:exchange HTTP API to get allowed symbols for requested exchange




replay period start date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-01




replay period end date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-02




array of normalized data types for which historical data will be returned


boolean | undefined


when set to true, response includes disconnect messages that mark events when real-time WebSocket connection that was used to collect the historical data got disconnected

Response format & sample messages

See normalized data types.

WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized?options={options}

Sends normalized historical market data for data types specified via query string. See supported data types which include normalized trade, order book change, customizable order book snapshots etc.

WebSocket /ws-stream-normalized is the real-time counterpart of this API endpoint, providing real-time market data in the same format, but not requiring API key as connects directly to exchanges' real-time WebSocket APIs.

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
import urllib.parse

async def run():
    replay_options = {
        "exchange": "bitmex",
        "from": "2019-10-01",
        "to": "2019-10-02",
        "symbols": ["XBTUSD", "ETHUSD"],
        "withDisconnectMessages": True,
        # other available data types examples:
        # 'book_snapshot_10_100ms', 'derivative_ticker', 'quote',
        # 'trade_bar_10ms', 'trade_bar_10s'
        "dataTypes": ["trade", "book_change", "book_snapshot_10_100ms"],

    options = urllib.parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(replay_options))

    URL = f"ws://localhost:8001/ws-replay-normalized?options={options}"

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.ws_connect(URL) as websocket:
            async for msg in websocket:


Replay normalized options

WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized endpoint accepts required options query string param in url encoded JSON format.

Options JSON needs to be an object or an array of objects with fields as specified below. If array is provided, then data requested for multiple exchanges is being send synchronized (by local timestamp).







requested exchange id - use /exchanges HTTP API to get list of valid exchanges ids


string[] | undefined


optional symbols of requested historical data feed - use /exchanges/:exchange HTTP API to get allowed symbols for requested exchange




replay period start date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-01




replay period end date (UTC) in a ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2019-04-02




array of normalized data types for which historical data will be provided


boolean | undefined


when set to true, sends also disconnect messages that mark events when real-time WebSocket connection that was used to collect the historical data got disconnected

In our preliminary benchmarks on AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 64GB RAM, WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized API endpoint was returning ~70 000 messages/s and ~40 000 messages/s when order book snapshots were also requested.

Response format & sample messages

See normalized data types.

WebSocket /ws-stream-normalized?options={options}

Sends normalized real-time market data for data types specified via query string. See supported data types which include normalized trade, order book change, customizable order book snapshots etc.

Doesn't requires API key as connects directly to exchanges real-time WebSocket APIs and transparently restarts closed, broken or stale connections (open connections without data being send for specified amount of time).

Provides consolidated real-time market data streaming functionality with options as an array - provides single consolidated real-time data stream for all exchanges specified in options array.

WebSocket /ws-replay-normalized is the historical counterpart of this API endpoint, providing historical market data in the same format.

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
import urllib.parse

async def run():
    data_types = ["trade", "book_change", "book_snapshot_10_100ms"]

    stream_options = [
            "exchange": "bitmex",
            "symbols": ["XBTUSD"],
            "dataTypes": data_types,
            "exchange": "deribit",
            "symbols": ["BTC-PERPETUAL"],
            "dataTypes": data_types,

    options = urllib.parse.quote_plus(json.dumps(stream_options))

    URL = f"ws://localhost:8001/ws-stream-normalized?options={options}"
    # real-time normalized data for two exchanges via single connection
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.ws_connect(URL) as websocket:

            async for msg in websocket:


Stream normalized options

WebSocket /ws-stream-normalized endpoint accepts required options query string param in url encoded JSON format.

Options JSON needs to be an object or an array of objects with fields as specified below. If array is specified then API provides single consolidated real-time data stream for all exchanges specified (as in examples above).







requested exchange id - use /exchanges HTTP API to get list of valid exchanges ids


string[] | undefined


optional symbols of requested real-time data feed




array of normalized data types for which real-time data will be provided


boolean | undefined


when set to true, sends disconnect messages anytime underlying exchange real-time WebSocket connection(s) gets disconnected




specifies time in milliseconds after which connection to real-time exchanges' WebSocket API is restarted if no message has been received

Response format & sample messages

See normalized data types.

Normalized data types

• trade

Individual trade

  "type": "trade",
  "symbol": "XBTUSD",
  "exchange": "bitmex",
  "id": "282a0445-0e3a-abeb-f403-11003204ea1b",
  "price": 7996,
  "amount": 50,
  "side": "sell",
  "timestamp": "2019-10-23T10:32:49.669Z",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-23T10:32:49.740Z"

• book_change

Initial L2 (market by price) order book snapshot (isSnapshot=true) plus incremental updates for each order book change. Please note that amount is the updated amount at that price level, not a delta. An amount of 0 indicates the price level can be removed.

  "type": "book_change",
  "symbol": "XBTUSD",
  "exchange": "bitmex",
  "isSnapshot": false,
  "bids": [],
  "asks": [
      "price": 7985,
      "amount": 283318
  "timestamp": "2019-10-23T11:29:53.469Z",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-23T11:29:53.469Z"

• derivative_ticker

Derivative instrument ticker info sourced from real-time ticker & instrument channels.

  "type": "derivative_ticker",
  "symbol": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
  "exchange": "deribit",
  "lastPrice": 7987.5,
  "openInterest": 84129491,
  "fundingRate": -0.00001568,
  "indexPrice": 7989.28,
  "markPrice": 7987.56,
  "timestamp": "2019-10-23T11:34:29.302Z",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-23T11:34:29.416Z"

• book_snapshot_{number_of_levels}_{snapshot_interval}{time_unit}

Order book snapshot for selected number_of_levels (top bids and asks), snapshot_interval and time_unit. When snapshot_interval is set to 0 , snapshots are taken anytime order book state within specified levels has changed, otherwise snapshots are taken anytime snapshot_interval time has passed and there was an order book state change within specified levels. Order book snapshots are computed from exchanges' real-time order book streaming L2 data (market by price).


  • book_snapshot_10_0ms - provides top 10 levels tick-by-tick order book snapshots

  • book_snapshot_50_100ms - provides top 50 levels order book snapshots taken at 100 millisecond intervals

  • book_snapshot_30_10s - provides top 30 levels order book snapshots taken at 10 second intervals

  • quote is an alias of book_snapshot_1_0ms - provides top of the book (best bid/ask) tick-by-order book snapshots

  • quote_10s is an alias of book_snapshot_1_10s - provides top of the book (best bid/ask) order book snapshots taken at 10 seconds intervals

Available time units:

  • ms - milliseconds

  • s - seconds

  • m - minutes

  "type": "book_snapshot",
  "symbol": "XBTUSD",
  "exchange": "bitmex",
  "name": "book_snapshot_2_50ms",
  "depth": 2,
  "interval": 50,
  "bids": [
      "price": 7633.5,
      "amount": 1906067
      "price": 7633,
      "amount": 65319
  "asks": [
      "price": 7634,
      "amount": 1467849
      "price": 7634.5,
      "amount": 67939
  "timestamp": "2019-10-25T13:39:46.950Z",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-25T13:39:46.961Z"

• trade_bar_{aggregation_interval}{suffix}

Trades data in aggregated form, known as OHLC, candlesticks, klines etc. Not only most common time based aggregation is supported, but volume and tick count based as well. Bars are computed from tick-by-tick raw trade data, if in given interval no trades happened, there is no bar produced.


  • trade_bar_10ms - provides time based trade bars with 10 milliseconds intervals

  • trade_bar_5m - provides time based trade bars with 5 minute intervals

  • trade_bar_100ticks - provides ticks based trade bars with 100 ticks (individual trades) intervals

  • trade_bar_100000vol - provides volume based trade bars with 100 000 volume intervals

Allowed suffixes:

  • ms - milliseconds

  • s - seconds

  • m - minutes

  • ticks - number of ticks

  • vol - volume size

  "type": "trade_bar",
  "symbol": "XBTUSD",
  "exchange": "bitmex",
  "name": "trade_bar_10000ms",
  "interval": 10000,
  "kind": "time",
  "open": 7623.5,
  "high": 7623.5,
  "low": 7623,
  "close": 7623.5,
  "volume": 37034,
  "buyVolume": 24244,
  "sellVolume": 12790,
  "trades": 9,
  "vwap": 7623.327320840309,
  "openTimestamp": "2019-10-25T13:11:31.574Z",
  "closeTimestamp": "2019-10-25T13:11:39.212Z",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-25T13:11:40.369Z",
  "timestamp": "2019-10-25T13:11:40.000Z"

• disconnect

Message that marks events when real-time WebSocket connection that was used to collect the historical data got disconnected.

  "type": "disconnect",
  "exchange": "deribit",
  "localTimestamp": "2019-10-23T11:34:29.416Z"

Last updated