
Welcome to Tardis.dev documentation pages

Downloadable CSV files

If you prefer accessing historical datasets in CSV format, please see downloadable CSV files docs.

Downloadable CSV files

Market data replay API

Follow our API getting started guide to learn more how to access historical data via our HTTP API and client libs that offer tick-level market data replay support data both in exchange-native and normalized formats.

Getting Started

Real-time market data streaming

Consolidated real-time market data streaming API is available via our open source libraries that connect directly to exchanges' WebSocket APIs. We do not provide hosted real-time API, see why.

Available historical market data details

See historical data details to learn exactly what, how and since we collect for each supported exchange and what data is available via our market data API and downloadable CSV files.

Historical Data Details


Refer to our FAQ or contact us via email. We're always here to help you with any questions you have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated